Monday, June 27, 2011

Pitcher - Finished

Here is the completed work. After a great struggle on the background and  to click a better picture, here is the final one.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Here is the WIP of my next work. Size is 9" x 12". I considered this picture to mainly try out my hand on the background. So far I am happy about the background. Next work is to add details with color pencils. I thank the photographer, who gave me premission to use this picture on the Flickr.

Friday, June 17, 2011


This is my latest art work again using Neocolor II and Color pencils on Pastelbord. Even though I did goof up with the background initially, I happened to continue it. I am happy with the work except for the background. As this is my first work which has such a background, I am confident that I will overcome such background problems in my future works. This is of 11" x 14" size. Will be starting with my next work soon.